Jesus said to Mary Magdalene, "Do not cling to Me for I have not yet ascended to My
Father, but go to my brethren....." John 20:17. To fulfill the feast day Jesus assended
to God the Father and presented Himself as the first sheaf offering. Leviticus 23:11.
Jesus is the first born of the new creation, the sheaf presented before the LORD GOD.
Sometimes you can listen to a song and understand a message better than if you heard
someone speak for a half hour. I believe that's what Hans Christian Anderson meant
in the proverb above.
Believing Music (Christian) has a message for all people. It's about love, but it's the love
that the LORD has for each of us. Many do not believe it, but it's true and I must tell you.
If you died without asking the LORD Jesus for His forgiveness you will be lost forever.
Hollywood plays the song "Amazing Grace" in all their movies, TV shows, etc that call for
a religious service, not because its free. The LORD is calling those who have an ear to hear.
Did you know how the LORD defines 'Grace'? Undeserved Mercy, Unmerited Favor.
"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me......I once was lost
but now I'm found, was blind but now I see." There is nothing we can do to get to heaven.
Read what God says in Ephesians 2: 8, 9 "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and
that not of yourselves; it is a gift of God not of works, lest anyone should boast.
In other words, the LORD doesn't care what you have done, He already knows. He wants
you to admit it to Him, as you are, and ask for forgiveness and thank Him for His "undesereved
mercy" We do not deserve to be forgiven, but He died a brutal death for you and me.
We must believe the story reported in the Bible, and thank Him and ask Him to save you.
No one can grant you permission into heaven except the LORD GOD. Jesus is the LORD GOD.
We are as the thief on the cross next to Him. With a true humble heart, ask Him and He will
change your life. I did and the only pain was my pride, Jesus is correct and I was wrong.
Ask Him and you will know that you will be with Him in paradise.